Mobile devices keep you in touch with the people and things that are important in your life, but they can also help you maintain your health and wellness. Telemedicine services allow patients to confer with doctors, specialists, and other medical professionals using a compatible mobile device and internet connection. These services are ideal for people unable to leave their homes due to illness or mobility issues,
and they can also benefit people living great distances from hospitals and clinics.
Virtual visits are an important part of telemedicine services, but how can you rest assured of a successful visit? Here are some tips to ensure that your first telemedicine visit goes smoothly.
Virtual visits aren’t difficult once you know what to expect, but there is a possibility of technical difficulties. As a result, it’s recommended that you test your mobile device and internet connection prior to the appointment. Performing a test run ensures that you can fix any errors prior to speaking with your doctor or specialist.
If you’re conducting a remote telehealth visit at home, choose a quiet area protected against interruptions. Privacy is also important during healthcare appointments, so communicate your needs to your loved ones to ensure they give you space during the visit.
Maybe you’re establishing care with a primary care physician, or maybe you need symptoms assessed by a specialist. Before getting started, take a moment to consider the goal of your appointment and what you’d like to get out of the visit.
Along with determining the goal for your virtual appointment, it’s also helpful to write down some questions you’d like to ask. These questions can pertain to a current or past medical condition, medication, allergies, and other health matters. In the same respect, don’t hesitate to take notes if the doctor provides lots of information.
Telemedicine is especially beneficial to people living in remote areas, as accessing medical care can be easier said than done in this case. For people in South Africa, Eagle Intelligent Health offers access to virtual appointments with the best medical professionals in the country. Schedule visits for yourself and your loved ones, and access important medical information from your mobile device with our POPI-compliant telehealth app.
Visit us online to see the many benefits offered by Eagle Intelligent Health. You can also check out our helpful FAQs before getting started.